Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Keep Pighting...

from last night until few minutes ago, i keep study for PPFB final test.
i hope what i learn this can i use today in test. and the result will be good.

GOD, i will do my best today for oral test and ppfb test. 
i hope YOU to bless me with YOUR power, and then i can do everything today with good.

MOM, DAD, LULI, DEDE pray for me so today i can do everything with good.
i hope in this semester i can got GPA minimal 3,00 and especially i can pass in yudisium. but and GOD i can't reach it without YOU. 

i pray for my angkatan. we hope YOUR bless, so this year in june all of us can pass in yudisium and 
get a good GPA. but everything we give just in YOUR hand. because no more FATHER like YOU...

Thanks GOD!!..

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Friday Night

today, i fell bored. i want to study PPFB but my mood is bad now.
why this is like this. i want to study, please give back my good mood...

i spend 3 hours for play, and go around in dorm. and that's not give a benefit.
huhh... i try to sleep, but i can't.

now i'm confused, what will i do???...
OK, i'll try to read a few of material for final PPFB test in Monday.
i need your pray. i hope i can do this PPFB exam, and the result will be good.

the next problem is oral test in same days. i hope i can do better from that test.
GOD, gove me spirit to do my job as a student. give me spirit to do this test.
especially, POST TEST in Thrusday. This is decide i pass or not in yudisium.
i hope you give me a spirit and miracle, so i can do all of that test...


Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

REM Reality Show

today i have a presentation's in REM class. 
my group make a innovation in presentations. we make that use a creativity, and don't like presentations usually  we don't use a power point in slide show.

when our group presentation in class, all the presentation that we do it with all what can we do.
and i hope the result will be great. 

next week in Monday, i have a oral assignment test with mom Cisca, i hope it will be success.
i promise i will do my best too in this part. i need your support too guys. GOD please help me!..

and finally, in the same week there is a POST TEST, honestly I'm afraid with this post test.

but it doesn't matter, i will fight in this test. i will do all of my best to get the best result.
GOD i don't know where i must go? i just have YOU, YOU'RE only one best in my life. i can't live without YOU. i need YOU, i can't do anything without YOU because YOU are controller in my lefe.

i give everything for YOU...

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Happy Sunday

happy Sunday for all of you today.
in this morning i wake up early than usually, hahaha
that's because last night i slept at 18.30 WIB and than i wake up at 02.00 morning.

i go to the church  with my lovely roommate, Emy Rosiana. i think that is a lovely day.
today i promise to my self to do my homework even that just one, but i already to do that.

eh, i need to say something. few minuts ago i have take my paper name picture,
and this is the reasult:

Snow White and the Huntsman - Official Trailer #2 [HD 1080p]

Drilled My Memory

today i teach my self to remember many words in english (vocabulary).
i hope this will be useful to me for do toefl test in 10th May next month.

GOD, thanks for 2 days ago.
you give me some inspiration from a women who told me something that make realized again.
she said, if i confused i must give thanks for that because that mean YOU still care with me.
because of that, i know how to use my confused felling to change it become a strong.

i will use  this two weeks for study hard before exam.
and i still believe if i do that with YOU, GOD i can do everything.
because i belive that nothing imposible for YOU.

-Happy Weekend, still do my best-

Kamis, 26 April 2012


today i learn many thing. From this morning, finally i can drop out all my emotions.
thanks for ka'Erna who want to listen what make GALAU...

now, my eye is opened. special thanks for GOD, you make me realized if what I'm now is not me.
make me realized that who is strong Nopry?
I'm here GOD, I'm here.

today i know about DOKSOLOGI -->
"Langkah iman karena mempercayai sekalipun tidak tahu apakah akan berhasil".

i don't want to see all that people who love me upset. and i will do my best!!


Selasa, 24 April 2012


sayangmu tak pernah hilang,
lekang dimakan waktu
lembut sentuhan kasihmu selalu aku rasa disetiap waktu
dari mulai dikandungan engkau menjagaku
hadirmu selalu kunanti seperti kau menanti

dekapan dan belaianmy ingin selalu kurasa
doa dan tangisanmu iringi langkahku pergi
meraih cita-citaku

perhatian dan kasih sayangmu selalu medukungku
tatkala aku kini berjuang kutaksendiri
banyak orang yang hadir mendukungku
temanku, sahabatku, saudaraku itulah kalian semua
kau hadir disetiap masa dalam hidupku
kala kusenang kita bersama menikmatinya
kala kuberduka kalian selalu ada bagiku
waktu kini hanya dengan kalian semua...

untuk berjuang maraih asa
menuju mimpi penuh arti
bergandengan tangan dan saling menopang
berjuang penuh harapan
jangan menyerah karena kita ada untuk selalu bersama
sakitmu adalah perihku, sukacitamu adalah bahagiaku
jadilah satu dalam kasih saling membangun dan berbagi, penuh dengan cinta kasih
wujudkan mimpi dan bahagiakan orang yang kita kasihi...

i learn many things today. everything that happen today, make strong again.
give me spirit to keep hope alive. i remember with what "mom Cisca" said :
"for 1 month next, 
give your best and let GOD do the rest"

GOD thanks for what that you give me today in my friends and in my teacher,

New Day With HIM

i don't know what will happen today,
but everything that's gonna happen today i give all to YOU..

GOD give me strong for today. help me to do everything with YOU..
because i believe if YOU never leave me, don't you?

from today i promise i will do all of my best, just for YOU..
i believe if YOU always will be my side, never leave me.
i belive if YOU bring me here, for give the best...


Bad Thing

today i feel bad. i want to cry, i want to share but no one want to hear me.
just YOU. but why you don't answer me??

i always keep hope. but why this is happen to me??
why i can't do that. why i become a person like this??
i fell i hate My self. why i can be like she or he? why i can be like them,
like that smart people.

i fell so bad. i fell so stupid.
"don't let me like this"

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Jean Paul Sartre

Jean-Paul Sartre (lahir di Paris, Perancis, 21 Juni 1905 – meninggal di Paris, 15 April 1980 pada umur 74 tahun) adalah seorang filsuf dan penulis Perancis. Ialah yang dianggap mengembangkan aliran eksistensialisme.Sartre menyatakan, eksistensi lebih dulu ada dibanding esensi (L'existence précède l'essence). Manusia tidak memiliki apa-apa saat dilahirkan dan selama hidupnya ia tidak lebih hasil kalkulasi dari komitmen-komitmennya pada masa lalu. Karena itu, menurut Sartre selanjutnya, satu-satunya landasan nilai adalah kebebasan manusia (L'homme est condamné à être libre).

Pada tahun 1964 ia diberi Hadiah Nobel Sastra, namun Jean-Paul Sartre menolak. Ia meninggal dunia pada 15 April 1980 di sebuah rumah sakit di Broussais (Paris). Upacara pemakamannya dihadiri kurang lebih 50.000 orang.

Pasangannya adalah seorang filsuf wanita bernama Simone de Beauvoir. Sartre banyak meninggalkan karya penulisan diantaranya berjudul Being and Nothingness atau Ada dan Ketiadaan.

Agama Kristen Protestan

Agama Kristen adalah sebuah kepercayaan yang berdasar pada ajaran, hidup, sengsara, wafat dan kebangkitan Yesus Kristus. Agama ini meyakini Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan dan Mesias, juru selamat bagi seluruh umat manusia, yang menebus manusia dari dosa. Mereka beribadah di gereja dan Kitab Suci mereka adalah Alkitab. Murid-murid Yesus Kristus pertama kali dipanggil Kristen di Antiokia (Kisah Para Rasul 11:26).

Agama Kristen termasuk salah satu dari agama Abrahamik yang berdasarkan hidup, ajaran, kematian dengan penyaliban, kebangkitan, dan kenaikan Yesus dari Nazaret ke surga, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Perjanjian Baru, umat Kristen meyakini bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias yang dinubuatkan dalam dari Perjanjian Lama (atau Kitab suci Yahudi). Kekristenan adalah monoteisme, yang percaya akan tiga pribadi (secara teknis dalam bahasa Yunani hypostasis) Tuhan atau Tritunggal. Tritunggal dipertegas pertama kali pada Konsili Nicea Pertama (325) yang dihimpun oleh Kaisar Romawi Konstantin I.
Pemeluk agama Kristen mengimani bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan dan Juru Selamat, dan memegang ajaran yang disampaikan Yesus Kristus. Dalam kepercayaan Kristen, Yesus Kristus adalah pendiri jemaat (gereja) dan kepemimpinan gereja yang abadi (Injil Matius 16: 18-19)
Umat Kristen juga percaya bahwa Yesus Kristus akan datang pada kedua kalinya sebagai Raja dan Hakim akan dunia ini. Sebagaimana agama Yahudi, mereka menjunjung ajaran moral yang tertulis dalam Sepuluh Perintah Tuhan.
Kata Kristen sendiri memiliki arti "pengikut Kristus atau "pengikut Yesus". Murid-murid Yesus Kristus untuk pertama kalinya disebut Kristen ketika mereka berkumpul di Antiokia (Kisah Para Rasul 11: 26c).